Frequently Asked Questions

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FHANDP provides a selection of only the highest quality listings known for exceptional service offering, quality and attention to details. Every home listed on the platform is verified through in person quality inspection to ensure quality and design.

Users (tenants, landlords and agents) sign up and log in to FHANDP as new or existing users. Landlords and agents can list their properties using the subscription feature on FHANDP through standard or premium listing. Once the listed properties are reviewed and approved by FHANDP Admin, the properties are published for tenants to search alongside other listed properties. Properties can be searched based on location, type, payment plan, price, facility type and make payment for their choice property. Tenants can save their choice properties from the search result, schedule property tour, contact the landlord or agent of the property or make payment to the landlord or agent of their choice property through FHANDP.

Anyone looking for an apartment or property, classified as TENANTS and anyone who has property for lease or rent, classified as LANDLORDS or AGENTS.

With the time involved in managing a property to a high standard, collecting rent, staying up to date with information and regulation, recording or reporting inspections, managing maintenance, as well as finding, screening, and communicating with tenants, many landlords don’t have the time and resources to complete these tasks in an effective and efficient manner. Also, tenants find it difficult to get information on properties and seamlessly make payments for their choice properties irrespective of location. Solving these problems for tenants, landlords and agents is the reason FHANDP was built.

FHANDP is accessible on web and mobile anywhere in the world. However, the platform is currently available to accommodate apartments and properties in Lagos, all over Nigeria.

The platform was designed and built with predictive algorithms, locators and recommenders that give users property ranking, insights and data for easy decision making.

On FHANDP, we require agents and landlords to state expressly all fees associated with renting their properties to guide tenants’ usage of the platform and decision making. Transparency is a core function of FHANDP.

We always welcome constructive feedback about our performance. If you are unhappy with our service, we would encourage you to talk to us about it. If you want to pursue a formal complaint, then we have a published complaints management process through our support channel.

You can reach our Support team via

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